Eggs have become one of the controversial foods because of the high cholesterol contents. Are Eggs Healthy? Do
they raise our cholesterol level? Should we eat only egg whites or both egg white and yolk? Have become frequently
asked nutrition questions. One large egg yolk has around 200 mg of cholesterol. It is important to distinguish
between dietary cholesterol and cholesterol in the blood, which are weakly associated. However, many studies have
proved that the dietary cholesterol in eggs does not negatively affect cholesterol levels in the blood.
Eggs make us healthier, stronger, leaner & brainier. Eggs are one of the nutritious and super food on the Earth. It
keeps our energy level high and helps in controlling cravings, prevents fatigue, weakness and improves resistance
and immunity. It is a perfect food for children’s which supports in strengthening bone, mind, brain, memory and
eyes sight etc. Eggs contain many vitamins and minerals that are fundamental parts of healthy diet. Eggs are
considered to be one of the best sources of protein.
How and Why Eggs are good for us
Low in Fat: Eggs are low in fat. Around 7 to 11 percent of an egg’s content is fat, found almost in the yolk. Eggs
offer heart healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which are excellent sources of healthy fats including
omega 3 fatty acids.
Packed with Good Nutrients: Eggs are rich in Vitamin A, D, E & Folate, minerals like calcium, phosphorous,
iron, zinc, essential fatty acids and iodine. Eggs are sources of high protein, riboflavin, selenium, and choline.
Keeps Fuller for Longer: Eggs are most appropriate combination of fat and protein. So, they are most satisfying
food for longer.
Eggs are Versatile: Yes, eggs have versatility nature. It is simple to cook and most economical food. We may fry
them, scram them, boil them, and poach them. We may eat in breakfast, lunch or dinner. We may enjoy in salads
and sandwiches too.
Health Benefits:
1. Helps in Weight Loss: Eating egg means we feel full with less food, and won’t have to fill up with empty calories
to feel satisfied. Whenever we have protein-rich diet, our body generates more heat to digest the food, egg has
digestible sources of protein. So eating eggs in breakfast leads to better weight loss. Eggs are relatively low calorie
food. There are no carbohydrates, no sugar and contains low fat.
2. Promotes Healthy Hair & Skin: Eggs improve skin texture, egg white has albumin which helps to tighten
pores and eliminates excessive oil. Eggs give hydration and elasticity to the skin. Egg yolks are rich in lutein which
provide hydration and elasticity to the skin. Proteins in egg helps to soften the hair, gives shining and reinforce the
roots of hair. Promotes growth & fight against dandruffs.
3. Boost Brain and Memory: Eggs are great sources of B – vitamins, folate and macro nutrient like choline which
aid in early brain, memory development and regulates mood. Choline is a significant compound for proper
functioning of the nervous system. Choline is a precursor of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays a central
role in memory and learning. Recent research suggests that these vitamins may prevent brain shrinkage and delay
cognitive decline.
5. Improves Good Cholesterol: Eggs are high in cholesterol, but the effect of egg consumption on blood
cholesterol is minimal when compared with the effect of trans fats and saturated fats. This means what we eat with
egg matters. Enjoying eggs in moderation will not affect cholesterol, and cholesterol in eggs have lesser effect on our
blood cholesterol levels. Many observational studies show that people who eat egg don’t have an increased risk of
heart disease, but some studies show an increased risk for people with type 2 diabetes.
6. Protects Bones: Eggs contain natural sources of vitamin D, which improves the bone health. Vitamin D is
essential for calcium absorption and maintains optimum bone health. Egg play an important role in preventing
osteoporosis and any fractures. Egg whites increases bone density and long life of bone.
7. Heart Healthy: During the study, researchers found that eating an egg a day relates to a lower risk of heart
disease compared with not eating eggs. The American Heart Association recommends one egg per day as part of a
healthy diet. In fact, an egg a day may help to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. So while deciding to
continue eating eggs or dropping them completely, we need to weigh in how much cholesterol and saturated fats
we are eating in a day, apart from eggs. Regular consumption of egg reduces cardiovascular disease. Egg contains
important nutrients that can reduce inflammation, another dangerous that can put the heart risk.
8. Beneficial for Eyes: Eggs are great food for eye. Eggs protects eyes from damage related to UV rays. Helps in
maintaining good vision and eye health. Eggs are good sources of vitamin A, zinc, lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids
that help keep eyes healthy. Egg yolks also can be good for the eyes; they are significant sources of lutein and
zeaxanthin, which have been found to reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, the leading cause of
blindness in people 55 and older.
9. Boosts Metabolism: The protein in eggs preserves muscle mass so we can burn fat. And other nutrients in eggs
support the metabolism of carbs and fat. Hard-boiled eggs also contribute essential nutrients, including vitamin B-
12, vitamin D, selenium and protein. It regulates fat metabolism in the liver, where it helps prevent excess fat
accumulation. Eggs can be still part of the healthy and balanced meal plan designed to raise our metabolic rate.
Conclusion: Eggs are high in cholesterol, but the effect of egg consumption on blood cholesterol is minimal when
compared with the effect of trans fats and saturated fats. Unless under specific advice from a doctor, it is not
necessary for people with high cholesterol or those at risk of heart disease to avoid eggs. People who have no health
issues can eat eggs in moderate quantities, and they are unlikely to have any effects on cholesterol levels. Eggs are
a wonderful source of nutrition. One or two eggs a day can be safely eaten as long as they are eaten as part of a
healthy diet. But make sure that eggs are being eaten as part of a healthy diet that’s also low in saturated fat. This
does not increase our risk for cardiovascular disease. If you have high blood cholesterol, diabetes or heart disease,
limit your intake of whole eggs to two or less per week. This will help to prevent cardiovascular disease. Limit your
consumption of eggs along with other foods high in cholesterol, saturated and trans fat.